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Page history last edited by Lynell Butler-Williams 13 years, 3 months ago





by Gregory Mone





Review from School Library Journal:

As Fish travels from farm to city to ship, he discovers his place in the world, and his moral compass helps to ground and direct the story. His decision not to engage in fighting and his efforts to stop the mutiny will provide points for group discussion. Fish makes a splashing good addition to adventure fiction."






Check out the cool videos about the book courtesy of Scholastic. 


Fish by Gregory Mone‏_5_23_2011_fish2.mp4 

FISH Story‏_5_23_2011_fish2.mp4  


          Adventure Fiction


    • Pirates

    • Conduct of life

    • Ciphers/Puzzles

    • Buried treasure


The novel, Fish follows the adventures of a young pirate named Maurice Reidy. Nicknamed “Fish” because of his incredible swimming abilities, he is sent to work for his uncle as a courier to help support his struggling family. He is entrusted with a mysterious package of coins, but is attacked by a boy pirate who steals the package of coins. Determined to get the coins back and not disappoint his uncle, he joins the strange, funny, and foul-smelling crew of pirates, beginning an adventure that changes his life forever. On board the pirate ship, Fish learns that the strange coins could be the key to finding a fabulous treasure. While trying to avoid violence — refusing to use a weapon — he lands in trouble more than once, yet he does manage to make a few friends.     

(adapted from http://fishthepirate.com/index.html)





  From Mrs. Brown, Librarian @ SWA






Interested in REAL pirates?  Click on the image to go on a high seas adventure, check out infamous pirate ports, and find out more about the pirate Black Beard who terrorized the high seas from 1716 to 1718.










Click on the image to visit the book's Official website for exciting information about Maurice Reidy, aka Fish and the colorful crew of the Scurvy Mistress!


















Click on the image to visit an awesome website for amazing historical information, facts, & legends!


How many of you have gone to the Jolly Roger Amusement Park in Ocean City, MD during the summer?  Do you know that Jolly Roger is not a who, but a what?! The Jolly Roger is the traditional flag, shown to the right, that was flown on pirates' ships. Click on the image to read more about the Jolly Roger pirate flag.







Every year, September 19th is the official "Talk like a Pirate Day." 

Visit the website for Pirate vocabulary to impress your family & friends!





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