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Half Brother

Page history last edited by Phyllis Fullem 13 years, 3 months ago



Half Brother


by Kenneth Oppel




Books by Kenneth Oppel:

This Dark Endeavor

Half Brother

The King's Taster








Dead Water Zone

The Live Forever Machine

Barnes and the Brains

Emma's Emu

Peg & The Yeti

Peg & The Whale



About the author:  http://www.kennethoppel.ca/pages/biography.shtml 




Project Nim - Movie coming July 2011 - This seems to be a very similar story to Half Brother.




Historical Fiction


Some Subjects




Human-animal communication 

Family life 

Victoria (B.C.) Canada



From the author's webpage:   http://www.kennethoppel.ca/ 


     When Ben Tomlin’s mother brings home his “new baby brother,” an eight-day-old chimpanzee, Ben is far from thrilled. His father, a renowned behavioural scientist, has uprooted the family and moved them halfway across the country, to Victoria, B.C., so he can pursue a high-profile experiment -- to determine whether chimpanzees can learn human sign language.

     The chimp, named Zan, must be raised exactly like a human. He’s dressed in clothes and fed in a high chair and has a room full of toys. Ben is soon smitten. Joining the team of students who are helping with the experiment, Ben becomes both researcher and adored older brother.

     Within months, Zan learns his first signs and becomes a media sensation. At his new school, Ben’s life seems similarly charmed as he vies for the attention of the beautiful Jennifer -- using his newly acquired scientific observational skills.

But when Project Zan unexpectedly loses its funding, Ben’s father is under huge pressure to either make the experiment succeed or abandon it -- and Zan. Unable to convince his father that Zan is now part of the family, Ben must risk everything he knows and everyone he loves in order to save his baby brother.


Great websites about chimpanzees:








  • The Chimp That Learned Sign Language - NPR



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