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Ten-year-old Ha, her brothers, and mother flee Saigon in South Vietnam near the end of the Vietnam War, traveling by boat and plane as refugees to America in 1975. They eventually settle in Alabama, which is as different as can be from her homeland and which has been desegregated only for about a decade. Ha's new life as an immigrant begins, and she chronicles the events in poems. She attends school, deals with bullying students, learns English, and copes with many cultural differences.
Of note:
262 pages, published in 2011
Written as a series of poems (Hidden is also told in poems.)
Based on the author's real-life experiences. Her family fled Vietnam, where her father was missing in action.
Includes an author's note about her family's experience.
Her name is pronounced "tang-ha lie." Part of her name means "gentle river."
Written in first-person; contains 5 parts that describe one life-changing year for the character
"The taut portrayal of Ha's emotional life is especially poignant as she cycles from feeling smart in Vietnam to struggling in the States, and finally regains academic and social confidence."[1]
"Lai infuses Hà’s story with energy and insight and fun...her thoughtful, poetic observations make us see the familiar afresh though Hà’s eyes."[2]
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